Thursday, August 9, 2012

progress, authors note, dedication

amount writen on paper: 1.5 of 3 parts of chapter one
amount writen on here of newest chapter: 0.8 of 3 parts of chapter 1
amount planned out:  1 chapters

For mature readers. I don't care about your age just that you are mature enough to handle reading teen books or watch things like anime ... not  the baby stuff like pokemon I mean stuff with violence, swearing, and blood. some content in this is not for the moraly immature. contains violence (yes!), language (some not a lot ... as of yet ), and other mature content (not really). also you need to be able to read to read this. 

Dear Reader,
  What you are about to read may seem unreal to you, but I assure you that the events are true. This a tail about how the lives of a group of young teens of various life styles and backgrounds got tangled up together and changed forever. The adults of your world well tell you this never happened and it is all made up. They are wrong. We all have a connection at least one other being from another world for part of our life. Some have more connections. For many the connection fades away. The few who keep the connection are lucky, and out of those few the ones who share this connection with their world bring a little bit of the lost connections back when ever their stories are told. It is the rarest gift to share the same specail connection with more then one being on the other world and your closet friends on this world share most of those, if not simalar mulipul, connections as well. No matter what happens keep your connection as long as you can. There is a reason we have these connections and it is to tell the stories of friends so far away we well only meet through dreams, memories, and talents. My oldest connection is with a sacara male. He is positive that at one time there where ways to travel between the worlds but they are now sealed off or forgotten. Long, long ago a few humans visited their world they where not aware that they had traveled and looked at his anscestors with fear for they resembled werewolves in thier minds. many creatures at that time had traveled to our world, the sacaras have never been here except for one or two times and they were mistaken for werewolves .... werecreatures don't think like them and have maddness (rabies) if you call any sacara a werecreauture they well kill you in 30 seconds maximum time. even the most nonviolent ones. This is copy writed in a way so no stealing anything from it!! me and my friends all know this story so don't try anything funny!!! well hope you like this.
~ wolf
p.s. I well only put part of the chapters at a time. and i'll put illustrations in ocasionally'

This story is dedicated to my friends who help make it possible to write this. And all our parents who put up with the group of us and our all our crazyness at once.

CHAPTER 1: Trouble part1


[(word)= authors note about text  'word'= character thoughts]
    The kid stared at the blade pressed against his neck, then the man holding it, back to the blade, over to friends, and then the man again.This was how it had been for awhile now and the only one showing any signs of fear was the man. He knew they were all under sixteen and probably weaker then him, but the groups lack of fear and worry for their friends safety bothered him. That and they were all armed with weapons that marked them as apprentices of various trades at the castle, ones that where known for being, if one of the trade choose to be and hade enough skill, fatal to anyone who makes the mistake of getting on their bad side. He had of course not noticed this until he had already taken one of the boys hostage, threatened to kill him if they did not hand over what ever valuables they had and one of them had taken out a palace bow. He wasn’t sure if the kid was good with arrows, but at point blank he didn’t want to find out, he also didn’t want to let this good an opportunity for a profitable robbing to get away. So he kept the knife on his captive’s throat.
   “Why am I always the hostage?!?!” The sudden out burst from the lad Garaue held prisoner caught him off guard, but not enough to make him move his knife.
    “Maybe it’s cause you’re the smallest, or you’re just lucky Sam.” The speaker was, like the others, a wolf sacara with mostly white or silver fur, he had a red stripe going from the tip of his tail to the end of his muzzle, and four red marks around his right eye that, if he closed it, made an X. “Want me to shot this bast …”
  "No!" This one was white with bright red marks going down his limbs and out from both eyes. "We don't have time to make it look accidental everytime you guys decide to kill who ever is hindering us I end up in trouble."
    "Well maybe if you forgot that Calvary code you wouldn't get in trouble for it so much Swift, besides we have work to do and this guy is holding us up," X replied.
   "At least we have a code, unlike you scouts."  Muttered Swift.
  To this X quickly got mad. His class had a code and they all knew it, of course it wasn't as long or strict as a knight’s code, but a code was code. “We have a code!"
    "No you don't."
    "Do too!"
    "Do not!"
   "Guys umm a little help here!" Sam called out to his friends. X and Swift continued arguing, the oldest of them wasn't even paying attention to either situation, and if Yumi was he looked utterly bored with both. “To hell with this."
   Garaue watched the boys with growing frustration. They had gone from intimidating to irritating in the time it takes to slit a throat. In fact that wasn't such a bad idea. Suddenly Garaue felt pain as if his testicales were being shoved up to his throat. It took awhile to get over the pain to where he could stand, which gave him enough time to figure out the dumb kid had kicked him in his manhood. When Garaue looked up he had expected the kid to have run off, but he was still there.
   Sam was unsure of what to do once he kicked the guy.His friends, X and Swift, were still at it, but at least Yumi was paying attention to the situation now. 'Knowing him though he'll just let me fight this creep.' He felt something knock the wind out of him and shortly after that a warm liquide feeling on his neck. Sam smelled blood, his blood! He saw a hand with a knife coming in for another try at his life. Once it got close enough he bit it. Now he could taste blood, and it tatsted good.
    Next thing he knew Swift and Yumi were dragging him away from the crazy knife man, and X was trying to convince the guy not to tell anyone with any amount of power at the castle about Sam bitting him. The man just growled at them and left holding his injured hand. Before Sam knew it he was in one of the tower offices waiting for someone, his wounds fully healed, except for a scar where the knife had cut him that couldn't be seen unless you looked hard.
                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    The room was of average size for an office or study. Which it was both really. There were shelves full of scrolls, books, and all forms of manuscript, lined the walls all the way up to the ceiling. An ash desk was in the middle of the room, on it were some models of brains, an actual brain in a jar, parchment, ink, a pen, and some documents. On one side, facing the door, was a decorative looking chair made of oak, and on the other side of the desk were three normal chairs made out of pine.
    In one of the chairs sat a kid. He was staring at his shoes out of boredom and guilt. Nashumy closed the door behind him. 'I hope it's guilt and not something else.' With this thought he sat down in the oak chair.  
    Nashumy was the guidance councilor, so to say, at Sinal Castle, the highest capital city. One day he was talking with one of the four generals that ran the battle school and had brought up that some of the apprentices around the palace were having trouble focusing on their studies, especially the ones who where from other lands and some who he suspected where being picked on by the older students, and may need to see someone who knew how the mind functioned, so whatever was making it hard to focus could be dealt with. Of course Nashumy didn't account that  he would be the one to deal with these teens and some more then others. Due to a habit of causing, or getting in, trouble in one way or another a few would be sent to him more frequently. This wolf sacara was one of those kids.
    "So ... what did you do this time? Give someone a bloody nose?" Nashumy knew Sam had a knack for for getting in fights with some of the local boys and even one of the generals in charge of the school. His colors and markings made it more then obvious he was from out of the country.
    Sam just shook his head. He wasn't in the mood to talk yet.
    "Did you get in a fight of some type with a senor battle school apprentice again?"
    Again the boy shook his head no still looking at the ground.
    "Are you going to tell me or shall I keep guessing?" Nashumy hated guessing all the time like he so often did in his job. If only someone else had suggested a councilor position in the castle staff, then he could still be a teacher for the medics.
    The kid looked up at the man in front of him with puppy eyes and said in a quite voice, "I bite a man in a fight."
    Nashumy gawped at the boy. The fight itself might be excusable, but biting! That is whole different matter entirely."Where did you bite him Sam?"
    Sam shrugged at the question as unimportant. "His hand. That pretty much ended the fight," he paused to think for a moment,"then Swift and Yumi dragged me back here."
    "And what, if I may ask, was this fight about?"
    "The guy tired to rob us and I was the hostage, as usaul," the last bit was said in an annoyed tone.
    "This has happened before?"Nashumy had never heard of any attemps to rob castle apprentices. This was a new development. He wondered if any of their mentors knew of this.
    "Almost every time we leave to get ...stuff, for the healers." Sam hoped he hadn't given Nashumy the idea that he, and his friends sometimes, were getting illegal herbs and odd itmes for the healers and advanced magic users. Which is what they were they sort of where doing.